Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saying Good-Bye to Family and Friends

I'm already a bit behind on posting, especially as my arrival here in Korea is so time-sensitive. Expect updates on my arrival next week. For now, I'd like to give a shoutout to those I've said goodbye to for the next year.

I had the wonderful opportunity to spend several meals with the family my last week in the States. Gotta show them the love here. And in one of my last days, I went shooting for the first time (don't mess with the Kim brothers!) and had some incredible food. I also had a last meal or coffee with as many friends as I could meet up with. I wish I had another week to say good-bye. =)

I'm a one-on-one hanger out of people. Large groups tend to drain my energy as few things do. So my times with my loved ones was especially bittersweet as I enjoyed great conversation and connecting as well as preparing for a temporary separation. I already miss you guys! It can too easily be a one-way communication street, but please give me unsolicited updates on your lives. I'll do my best to pray for you.

By the way, the last shot was a 9mm at 40 feet. Boom, done!

Next up: Saying Good-Bye to Food

1 comment:

  1. Hey Peter,

    I'm not sure if I am the first, but congrats on the safe landing and finding your way to your place! LOL...well, enjoy your time and the next time your back we'll go shooting again! You are actually kind of a natural.
